Last Modified: June 7, 2023 20:20


Manual #

Welcome to the online manual for EULANDA’s inventory management system. We understand the importance of having access to this comprehensive guide in English, but we regret to inform you that it’s currently under development and is expected to be available online by the end of the year.

In the meantime, we encourage you to explore the German version. It’s designed to be navigable and user-friendly. You can open and close different chapters by clicking on the small triangle in the left sidebar. Each page includes a detailed table of contents on the right-hand side, providing you with an overview of the respective sub-points.

If you’re looking for specific information, the search field will be your ally. Simply enter a search term and let our system find the most relevant pages for you.

While we’re working on the English version, you might consider using online translation tools such as Google Translate or others. By translating the German version, you can start learning the ins and outs of our software today.

We understand that this is not the perfect solution, but we hope it will serve as a temporary bridge until we can provide you with a fully translated English manual. Our team is working diligently to make this happen as soon as possible.

This manual provides a wealth of information, from the installation and operation of the software, to specific modules and functions, and even tips and tricks for efficient use. We’re confident that it will help you unlock and utilize the full potential of our inventory management software.

Best of luck with EULANDA, and we appreciate your understanding and patience during this time. We’re looking forward to assisting you in English soon.